As one of Australia’s hardworking primary producers, you manage risk every day. From selecting the right animal genetics for your property to applying the most appropriate chemical at the time. Insurance is a valuable tool for management of risk in your business and personal assets. Schute Bell Insurance and Risk Services can provide you with insurance solutions and service that only a licensed insurance broker can. Insurance products available include:
- Property and Public Liability
- Management Liability
- Crop Insurance
- Livestock (Including Stud Stock)
- Vehicle Insurance
- Landlords insurance for your investments properties
- We can even provide insurance solutions for your off-farm businesses.
Why not give Peter a call today to see how we can help you.
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Australian Wool & Pastoral Agency Ltd t/as Schute Bell Insurance & Risk Services is a Corporate Authorised Representative (257459) of JMD Ross Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd (ABN: 59 001 706 289, AFSL 238 356)