Nardoo Station, Louth (Formally know as Koonawarra Station)
Volvo Loader 4500, Stickrake 15 foot, Bobcat 743, Izuzu Truck, Yamaha Timber woolf 4 wheeler 250, EJ Holden Sationwagon, Old Plough, 54 Fergie, Suzuki King Quad-400 FSI, 204.5hours 2612kms UHF, Hay Spike, Hay Spears, 10 x 6 Bogie trailer unreg Hilux wheel 6 stud wheels, Yamaha 250 motorbike, Hilux for Parts, DT 250, Small Farm Goat trailer single axel with crate-fits 20 goats unreg, Rover Ranger ride on mower, Honda 4 wheel ( not going), 12×6 Plant trailer, Bobcat trencher attachment, Scarifier to suit Ferguson
500 m rolls, Fence posts, Barbed wire x 12, Clipex 9 slot posts, Electric fencing gear and Bullstopper, 720 clipex posts, second hand posts
3” pump, Diesel generator 2.5kva, Turfer handwinch, Anchor handwinch, Drill press,
Crane, Dehorners, Linnishert Electric motor 10amp, Seat for Loader, 600m used 1 ½” poly,
1 ½” poly fittings, 200L drum 15w-4CH Atlantic oil 0.1, Anvil 150lbs, Steel fire tank, 3” water hoses, 4 x Hilux alloy wheels, Hilux suspension kit 3000kms, 3 Tonne hand winch, Firetorch
Old “Oxidental” Pub doors, Train signal box-morse code from Coolabah, Rabbit Traps, Dingo traps, Cow bells, Boiler 14 gal, Old Bottles, Old tins, Old Kettles, Old Cot, Assorted Cast Iron, Old radio, Old phone, Old mincer, Old Slicer, Large old meat safe, Antique tools, Old saw blades 3 cross cut saws and 1 large saw, Oil cans & bottles, Horn brands, Old brass taps, Original bread tins from Cobar Bakery, Cast Iron bed heads, Old Ammo boxes, Compound bow & arrows 35-50lb, Old hand washing machine, 3 water bags, Set of pigeon holes, Old hand piece, Woodheater, Everhot stove with new bricks, Clay pigeon thrower, Gas BBQ, Pedestal fans
Woolshed/Animal Husbandry
Overhead gear x 6, Wool table, Wool press new motor, Ajax Press, Shearing stencils, Bail hooks, Dehorners, Pig Waterers
Other items not listed to be sold on the day.
Outside Entries:
2006 Izuzu 550 truck, 418000kms, 2yo crate, UHF, fridge, Roo bar, tow bar.
Honda CRF250F 2023 135hours, Yamaha PT250R 4/05 model, runs well, UHF &bark busters. 2001 97 Toyota Hilux motor runs well -gearbox has a knock
Antique Horse Sulky
Term & conditions: Number system, ID required, Cash or approved cheque sale day. EFTPOS available!
Signs to Nardoo will be posted 90kms from Cobar on the Bourke Road & traveling from Bourke 70 kms from Bourke on the Cobar Road
Shane Russell
0477 400 555